The following groups are already established, please contact the Group Leaders if you are interested in joining as they manage sub-group email updates. We can also pass on a message if you email us at

Scrabble Group
Group Leader: Sue Harris
This group is FULL!
Contact us to start another Scrabble Group!

Pub Group
Group Leader: Sam Vowles
Get together for drinks at a local pub every month, usually a Thursday evening. Location will vary and updates will go out via email prior to each meetup.

Coffee Morning Group
Group Leader: Sharon Hayes
Coffee mornings are held the last Thursday of the month at Knights of Woldingham. Meet time is 10.15am.

Lunch Group
Group Leader: Sharon Hayes
Get together for lunch on the 1st Tuesday of every month. Location will vary.

Mums & Bumps & Babies
Group Leader: Abigail Pedrick
Come along for a natter! You don’t even need a baby... We meet once or twice a month.

Beading Group - *INACTIVE*
New Leader required! Let us know if you're interested!

Book Group - 'The Literary Ladies'
Group Leader: Linda Sheldrake
This group is FULL!
Contact us to start another Book Group!

Running / Walking Group - *On hold*
Group Leader: Steph Couch
Meet for a 5kish run (and possibly some walking!) around Queens Park. All speeds and abilities welcome. Meet at the Pavilion in Queens Park, 7:30pm every Wednesday (except meeting nights).