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Thanks to everyone who entered the Caterham Bake Off at the Food Festival on 10th June, it was a wonderful day with 30 fabulous entries! See if you were a winner and for photos of some of the amazing creations below...


We are so pleased that the Bake Off raised a whopping £630! Half of the proceeds go to the Caterham Festival and half goes to​ our charity of the year, Stripey Stork!


Congratulations to Martin Llewellyn who was our overall winner of the day for his Large Cake entry. 



A cake to celebrate women’s suffrage

1st - Christa Urquhart

2nd - Kareem Morley

3rd - Roxy Birch

Biscuits/ cookies

1st - Jane Johnson

2nd - Tony Johnson

Tray bake

1st - Steph Couch

2nd - Caroline Wallis

3rd - Ginny Harris


1st - Kathleen Peckett

2nd - Roxy Birch

Large cake

1st - Martin Llewellyn (overall winner)

2nd - Jane Johnson

3rd - Tracey Tomkins

Cupcakes/ muffins

1st - Sarah  Pink

2nd - Zornista Velikova

3rd - Roxy Birch

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Thanks again for all of your entries and to our wonderful volunteers who helped on the day!

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